Connecting actors to drive change in a complex world

Using strategy, collaboration & systems thinking to address pressing contemporary challenges in cities & beyond

About me

I am an award-winning urbanist and international development practitioner, advising governments, international organisations, and cities to advance evidence and practice on inclusive urban response, particularly in informal, contested or fragile environments. Spanning 17 years, my career has taken me to diverse contexts and communities around the world: from towns hosting IDPs in Darfur, to Afro-Colombian communities at risk of displacement.

I combine my international expertise with global advocacy efforts for better urban practices in crises settings, including as Steering Committee member of the Global Alliance for Urban Crises and of the Protection Cluster’s GP20 initiative, and as speaker at HABITAT III 2016, UN-Habitat World Urban Forums since 2010, and Human Rights Council sessions.

Most recently I developed urban recommendations to inform the UN Secretary-General’s High-Level Panel on Internal Displacement report, including the consultation with Mayors in Somalia, Burkina Faso, Honduras, Ukraine, and Colombia.




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