
Public speaking and facilitating discussions has been a powerful tool complementing my work. I combine my passion for the subject with evidence, strategic thinking and stories from the field. I do this to advance knowledge, advocate for the most vulnerable communities, and connect with others interested in driving positive change in complex contexts. This is a selection of recent and past speaking commitments.


Podcast - Internal displacement, urbanisation, food futures: reflections on evolving global challenges

Hosted by: Displacement Urbanism - A podcast series by Dr Romola Sanyal, Associate Professor of Urban Geography at London School of Economics LSE.

Topic: In this podcast, Isis discusses her experience working with displaced communities across the world, reflecting on the challenges internally displaced persons face in urban areas and what we should be thinking about as we seek to respond to these issues.

Location: Online - access the LSE series here (episode No.14) and the direct link to my episode here.


Invited Expert - World Bank and Somalia Mayors’ Forum on Planning and Investment Programming for Urban Resilience

Topic: Urbanization and Investment Programming amid Displacement and Climate Change, Conflict and Fragility Risks

Hosted by: The World Bank and Tokio Development Learning Centre

Location: Nairobi, Kenya


Chair and speaker - Responding to crises driving food insecurity in cities: Learning from Ethiopia, Colombia and Madagascar at UN-Habitat World Urban Forum 11

Topic: Urban humanitarian response, food security, displacement

Hosted by: UN World Food Programme, with speakers from the World Bank, UN-Habitat, and Local governments from Colombia, Ethiopia and Madagascar

Location: Katowice, Poland



Speaker - Transforming Data into Action for Solutions to Displacement

Topic: Strategy launch, evidence-based durable solutions to internal displacement

Hosted by: U.S. State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM), USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA), the Mission of Norway to the UN in Geneva, and JIPS

Location: Webinar / online

Media: Recording available here


Speaker - High Level Panel Global Event on Urban Internal Displacement

Topic: Internal displacement in an increasingly urbanised world: Challenges and opportunities

Hosted by: UN Secretary-General’s High Level Panel on Internal Displacement, UN-Habitat, JIPS and IIED

Location: Webinar / online

Media: Report available here, recommendations to the high level panel available here, and journal article available here


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Speaker - Political Economy of Development Solutions to Displacement

Topic: Durable solutions to internal displacement, with a focus on Sudan and El Salvador

Hosted by: UNDP, SOAS, and the Secretariat for the UN Secretary-General’s High Level Panel on Internal Displacement

Location: Webinar / online


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Invited speaker - Cities Alliance and UN-Habitat series on Forced Displacement to Cities

Topic: Urban profiling for durable solutions in urban areas

Hosted by: Cities Allliance and UN-Habitat

Location: Webinar / online

Media: Web-story and recording available here

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Invited speaker - Beyond shelter: sustainable urban solutions & the humanitarian-development-peace nexus for Somalia’s at UN-Habitat World Urban Forum 10

Topic: Urban profiling for informing the operationalisation of the humanitarian-development-peace nexus

Hosted by: Banaadir Regional Authority & Mogadishu Municipality, Ministry of Public Works Reconstruction and Housing & EU-REINTEG

Location: Abu Dhabi


Exhibitor and speaker - Humanitarian Partners Networking Week 2020

Topic: Urban profiling for post-conflict recovery in Syrian cities

Hosted by: iMMAP and JIPS

Location: Geneva, Switzerland


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Invited speaker and contributor to the toolkit - UN-Habitat regional meeting on urban profiling

Topic: Urban profiling for a shared understanding on urban displacement in the Arab Region to feed into development of a toolkit for the region

Organisers:UN-Habitat Regional Office for the Arab States

Location: Cairo, Egypt

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Invited speaker - Global Alliance for Urban Crises webinar series 2019

Topic: Urban profiling: : how to start with a shared understanding in urban contexts

Organisers: Global Alliance for Urban Crises and ALNAP

Location: Webinar, video recording available here


Speaker and co-organiser- UN-Habitat Assembly event on Addressing Displacement in Cities

Topic: Urban profiling informing solutions for IDPs in cities

Organisers: UN-Habitat, United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), and JIPS

Location: Nairobi, Kenya


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Panelist - 39th Session, Human Rights Council

Topic: Promoting IDP participation in shaping durable solutions

Hosted by:: UN Special rapporteur on the human rights of IDPs

Location: Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland

Media: Web-story and video available here


Speaker and co-organiser - UN-Habitat World Urban Forum 9

Topic: Urban displacement, durable solutions for internally displaced persons, collaborative data processes

Organisers: Joint IDP Profiling Service, IMPACT Initiatives, and the International Rescue Committee

Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia



Invited speaker - VI Innovation Forum, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Topic: Citizen engagement. Almaty Innovation Forum is an annual conference hosted by Almaty city administration, and serves as an important discussion platform between city government, citizens, and and the scientific community.

Organisers: Almaty city administration, British Council Kazakhstan

Location: Almaty, Kazakhstan


Invited speaker - City seminars (lent term) at University of Cambridge

Topic: Informal settlements, urban inequality and community self-reliance

Organisers: The Martin Centre for Architecture and Urban Studies, King’s College, University of Cambridge

Location: Cambridge, United Kingdom


Quito, Ecuador

Chair & speaker - Habitat III United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development

Topic: Grassroots Approaches Towards Self-Reliance in South Africa

Partners: eThekwini Municipality, South African National Department of Human Settlements, UN-Habitat, and University of Westminster

Location: Quito, Ecuador

Barcelona, Spain

Invited expert & speaker - UN-Habitat Global Expert Group Meeting on Urban Planning & Design LABs as tools for integrated & participative urban development

Topic: Methods and collaborative approaches for multi-stakeholder engagement to address urban challenges

Organisers: UN-Habitat Urban Planning and Design Labs

Location: Barcelona, Spain

Windhoek, Namibia

Invited speaker - National Meeting of Slum Dwellers Federation of Namibia, Windhoek, Namibia

Topic: Grassroots approaches towards self-reliance in South Africa

Organisers: Slum Dwellers Federation of Namibia, The Integrated Land Management Institute, Namibia

Location: Windhoek, Namibia


Quito, Ecuador

Exhibitor & speaker - UCL Urban Lab Cities Methodologies exhibition

Topic: Innovations in urban research methods, showcasing cross-disciplinary work from cities and practitioners worldwide

Organisers: UCL Urban Lab

Location: London, United Kingdom

Quito, Ecuador

Chair & speaker - The city of “Buen Vivir” symposium

Topic: Addressing inequalities in Quito through housing, neighbourhood and city-wide practices of “Buen Vivir”

Organisers: Architecture Sans Frontieres - UK, National Higher Studies Institute (IEAN), Salesian University, Confederation of Barrios (CONBADE), Neighbourhood Government of Atucucho

Location: Quito, Ecuador


Quito, Ecuador

Invited speaker - RICS - Prince’s Foundation Forum on International Practice in Participatory Planning

Topic: Participatory planning and design for inclusive city building

Organisers: the Prince’s Foundation and the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)

Location: London, United Kingdom


Quito, Ecuador

Keynote speaker - Chamber of Architects of Honduras

Topic: Urbanism and urban informality - social and spatial transformations of rapidly growing cities

Organisers: Chamber of Architects of Honduras

Location: Tegucigalpa, Honduras