Selected projects

Spanning 17 years, my career has taken me to several fragile or contested environments around the world: from towns hosting IDPs in Darfur, to Afro-Colombian communities at risk of displacement in Colombia, to working with Newari households living in temporary shelters after the earthquakes that affected Nepal in 2015. I utilise my interdisciplinary background on international development and urbanism, my experience designing and facilitating innovative tools for analysis, collaboration and community engagement, and my award-winning research on self-reliance and informal settlements, to facilitate change in complex and contested environments. Currently, I am advising and supporting governments, humanitarian and development actors in internal displacement contexts around the world.

Type of projects

durable solutions to displacement | multi-stakeholder planning | global policy and advocacy processes | community engagement | informal settlement upgrading | urban profiling in conflict or post-disaster contexts | resilience building in conflict or post-disaster contexts | executive management and corporate strategies


Darfur, Sudan 2018

[Project] Urban profiling for durable solutions to displacement

South Africa 2016-17

[Project] Community-led upgrading for self-reliance in informal settlements

Kenya, 2011-12

[Project] Participatory planning for informal settlement upgrading

Nigeria, 2019

[Project] Advising and building government capacity on durable solutions to displacement

Uganda, 2016

[Project] Urban governance and informality in Ugandan cities

Namibia, 2016

[Training] Tools for co-creating solutions in informal and contested urban areas


Syria, 2018-2020

[Project] Urban profiling for informing recovery in Syrian cities

Nepal, 2016-17

[Project] Participatory planning for post-disaster reconstruction

Afghanistan, 2018

[Project & training] Durable solutions for IDPs in informal settlements

India, 2010

[Research] Urban analysis for assessing impact of in-situ redevelopment projects in Dharavi

Istanbul, 2008

[Research] Development Plan for Roma Communities in Istanbul, Turkey

Kazakhstan, 2017

[Project] Citizen engagement in urban development

Latin America

Colombia, 2014-16

[Project] Building resilience in informal coastal settlements at risk of displacement

Ecuador, 2012-14

[Project] Neighbourhood action plans for improvement of informal settlements

Mexico, 2019 - ongoing

[Project] Displacement profiling in the State of Chihuahua, Mexico

Brazil, 2010

[Project] Participatory planning & design for housing & neighbourhood improvement

Honduras, 2018

[Project] Community profiling in 15 urban neighbourhoods affected by violence

Honduras, 2006-07

[Various projects] Local government projects for managing urban informality and urban rehabilitation

Global (various locations / or online)

2017 - ongoing, various locations

[Project] Community engagement tools to advance participation of IDPs in durable solutions

Online webinar

[Training] Using photo-voice to explore local integration of refugees in cities

World Urban Forum, 2012

[Training] Participatory design for slum upgrading and inclusive city