Participatory design and planning for informal settlement upgrading

Mathare Valley in Nairobi, Kenya

Source of all images: ASF-UK


Organisation: Architecture Sans Frontières - UK

Partners: Pamoja Trust, UN-Habitat (Nairobi HQ), and Muungano wa Wanavijiji (Kenyan affiliate of slum dwellers international)

Years: 2011-2012

My role: Co-lead, co-development of methodology, co-facilitation of workshops and participatory planning activities, tool design, data collection and analysis, capacity building and training for local NGO and built environment practitioners.

Formulated recommendations and published a book available here, disseminated results and approach internationally through presentations and seminars


Community-led Upgrading for Self-Reliance in South Africa


Multi-stakeholder approaches for addressing urban informality in Windhoek, Namibia