Participatory planning and design for housing, public space and neighbourhood improvement in informal settlements

Salvador da Bahia, Brazil


Organisation: Architecture Sans Frontières - UK

Partners: Movimento dos Sem Teto da Bahia MSTB and Ministry of Urban Development of Bahia

Year: 2010

My role: Co-lead of the Change by Design international programme hosting this project.

Co-lead, co-development of methodology, co-facilitation of workshops and participatory planning activities, tool design, data collection and analysis, capacity building and training for Movimento dos Sem Teto da Bahia and built environment practitioners.

I led the development of tools to explore issues of gender, identity and use and appropriation of open spaces, engaging children, youth and women in the discussions of the results and development of the subsequent strategies and proposals. Tools include a priority toolkit for public space improvement, photo voice techniques, 3D model elicitation, street installation and interactive mapping games with children


Participatory planning and design for buen vivir


Local government projects for managing urban informality and regeneration