Local government approaches for managing urban informality and regeneration

Tegucigalpa, Honduras


Organisation: Central District Municipality, Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Years: 2006-2007

My role: Urban planner and project manager. I coordinated capacity building and participatory planning workshops involving the local government, community-based organisations, architects, urban planners, civil society organisations and academics.

I was in charge of the formulation and implementation of projects in urban regeneration, heritage management and urban transport, including management of field teams. Projects completed include (selected):

o   Design and implementation of a high-profile urban design and regeneration scheme for ‘Paseo Liquidambar’, the main pedestrian street and informal market in the Historic Centre of Tegucigalpa.

o   The design of a mobility and public transport scheme for the Historic Centre of Tegucigalpa, including the coordination of multi-stakeholder workshops.


Participatory planning Salvador de Bahia