Urban profiling for post-conflict recovery in Syrian cities


Consortium: The Urban Analysis Network for Syria (Urban-S) is a consortium composed of iMMAP, JIPS, and Mercy Corps, with the contribution of the EU -Joint Research Centre as associated partner

Years: 2018-2020

My role: Methodology development lead, conducted extensive research and facilitated workshops to engage consortium members in the development of the methodology. I led the development of the toolkit, including the data collection tools, the area-based analysis approach and associated urban functionality index. I developed and facilitated interactive training components for humanitarian organisations working in Syria on how to embed urban and area-based analysis and apply the urban functionality index to prioritise neighbourhoods and sectors for intervention.

The methodology was piloted in the city of Raqqa by consortium members, and later replicated in 16 more cities across the country. 

The project and its resources (city profiles, datasets, and toolkit) are available here: https://www.urban-syria.org

All rights reserved by the Urban Analysis Network for Syria (Urban-S) consortium members.


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